On the Collaborative Spirit of Esolanging, or: If You Make a Language and You Are Very Lucky, People Will Misuse it
Looking to Fluxus for strategies of breaking down the ordinary performance of code-writing into a new form of art
Col. Sanders's bizarre appearance on General Hospital includes an "herbs and spices"-related cyberattack using the self-encrypting esolang Malbolge
Why use numbers when you can leave them ... undefined?
Classical Chinese is recursive in a way unusual to natural languages
Through the concept of computational idealism, we can see how some esoprograms re-assert order within the seeming chaos of the esolang. They "rehabilitate" the language by showing that simple, elegant code can be written within it, despite its alien appearance
Having storage issues? These three file systems make your hard drive virtually limitless.
Joana Chicau brings classical ballet training to a new form of live web performance, in live-editing existing web pages. She does so with a mix of pre-set and spontaneously written html and javascript on top of found material.
A web oddity full of generative images that claims to collect Malbolge programs
A single program that runs in 191 languages and counting
An astonishing 128 language Ouroborous quine
0. Computers are logical systems that arise as often by accident as by design.
On SUBLEQ, the most basic of languages, and DawnOS, the obsessive OS built on it
Some thoughts on LeWitt, Groys, and esolangs
A look at early AI, another interface between computation and human understanding
Tackling the same programmatic problem in many different approaches, from the practical to the very strange
Do we not express emotional content in code or do we just not see it?
When personal style and overt cleverness are the point: esolanging, code golf, and obfuscated code as a counterpoint to Dijkstra
or: Non-Deterministic Processes Don’t Have to Give You a Heart Attack
Vocabulary-based esolangs are sometimes overlooked. Here's a look at those who use intriguing lexicons to challenge conventional notions of computation
Empty files, blank canvases, and other seemingly content-less carriers of meaning
A contrast between languages engaging with logic and those engaging with the surface of code (continued)
Languages where coding isn't the point
A contrast between languages engaging with logic and those engaging with the surface of code
We experience esolangs in an active, participatory way, usually by writing code. The esolanger asks a question through the language; the esoprogrammers explore this by writing code within the language.
Differentiating three disciplines within creative coding
Unusable for any kind of programming, these languages embrace the extremes of dematerialized digital practice
Code that changes itself as it runs
How to think in brainfuck by constructing a single number